Ellen MacArthur Foundation report calls for global reuse targets



A new Ellen MacArthur Foundation on reuse in the Global South has called for countries to set clear definitions and targets for reuse systems.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s report, written in partnership with WWF, explores the possibilities for reuse in the Global South by highlighting case studies of how companies in this region are using reuse models.

The Reuse in the Global South report says companies in the Global South are facing common challenges to scaling reuse solutions.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation highlighted that these challenges include access to finance required for upfront infrastructure investments and regulatory restrictions on delivering certain products in reusable packaging.

The case studies also found there is a lack of common guidelines and standards to ensure consistency in establishing reuse across value chains.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation common guidelines are important because they facilitate collaboration, reduce complexity, ensure compatibility, build consumer confidence, simplify compliance, and accelerate innovation.

The report found to be most effective, reuse systems must be tailored to the local context. However, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation highlighted universal conditions that can support the transition to reuse systems.

Three policy priorities were highlighted in the report:

  • Harmonised guidelines and regulations to support reuse;
  • Setting clear definitions and targets for reuse systems alongside targets to reduce virgin plastic use can provide the impetus for companies to drive progress;
  • Targeted incentives to support reuse initiatives, such as tax breaks or subsidies, while simultaneously introducing disincentives for single-use packaging.

The post Ellen MacArthur Foundation report calls for global reuse targets appeared first on Circular Online.

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